Announcements and Call for Papers

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Papers (8 pages) and poster (2 pages) proposals must use the MEDA4 template.

EASYCHAIR SUBMISSION PAGE  - Submissions are closed

We will welcome theoretical, methodological, empirical or developmental papers and poster proposals in relation to the following three main conference themes:

Theme 1: Mathematics educators’ practices, teacher education and professional learning

-  Shared virtual/hybrid spaces and resources for teacher education and professional learning

-  Formative and summative assessment in remote and hybrid conditions at all levels of education

-  Teachers’ experiences and practices in STEM contexts, with Artificial Intelligence, or regarding the promotion of computational thinking.

Theme 2: Design, implementations and evaluations of digital resources and environments

-  Design and implementation of resources with emerging technologies such as 3D printers, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality

-  Applications of Learning Management Systems, Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in practices, assessment and design of resources

-  Impact of emerging technologies on curriculum transformation in STEM contexts, or regarding the promotion of computational thinking within mathematics education.

Theme 3: Students’ experience and learning with digital technologies

-  Impact of digital technologies on students’ engagement, learning and assessment

-  Development and investigation of students’ learning with emerging technologies

-  Role of technologies in developing mathematical competencies in STEM contexts

-  Integration of Artificial Intelligence technologies within formal, high-stakes examination and assessment systems.

Each paper will be peer-reviewed also with the involvement of the authors. The OC –with inclusion of the IPC– will decide on the final acceptance.

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