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  78. V. Benci, D. F., A. Masiello, L. Pisani, Solitons and electromagnetic field. Math. Z., 323 (1999) pp. 73-102, pdf
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  80. V. Benci, D. F., Existence of string-like solitons. Ricerche di Matematica, v. 48, volume in memoria di Ennio De Giorgi, 1999, pp. 399-406
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  82. V. Benci, D. F., On the existence of the impossible pilot wave. Proc. of the conference "Calculus of Variations and differential equations" A. Ioffe, S. Reich, I. Shafrir Editors, Chapman & Hall , 1-20
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  84. V. Benci, D. F., Is the gravitational mass equal to the inertial one?. Recent Development in General Relativity, B.Casciaro et al. Eds, Springer-Verlag, (2000), 287-306.
  85. V. Benci, P. d'Avenia, D. F., L. Pisani, Solitons in several space dimensions: a Derrick' s problem and infinitely many solutions, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 154, (2000) pp. 297-324, pdf
  86. V. Benci, D. F., Solitary waves of the nonlinear Klein-Gordon field equation coupled with the Maxwell equations, Rew. Math. Phys. 14, n.4 (2002) pp. 409-420
  87. V. Benci, D. F., On the equality between gravitational and inertial mass, Mechanics and Geometry, P. Freguglia, G. Turchetti Eds., Casa Ed. Quattro Venti, Urbino (2002) pp. 105-137
  88. V. Benci, D. F., The nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation coupled with the Maxwell equations, Nonlinear Analysis 47, (2001) pp. 6065-6072
  89. P. d’Avenia, D. F., L. Pisani, Topological solitary waves with arbitrary charge and the electromagnetic field, Differential and Integral equations 16, (2003).
  90. D. F., L. Orsina e L.Pisani, Born-Infeld type equations for electrostatic fields, J. Math. Phys 43, (2002) pp.5698-5706
  91. V. Benci, D. F., Solitary waves in classical field theory, Nonlinear Analisys and applications to physical sciences, (2004), Eds. V. Benci, A. Masiello, Springer, Milano, pp. 1-50
  92. V. Benci, D. F., Some remarks on the semilinear wave equation, Progress in Nonlinear Differential equations and Their Applications 54, (2003) pp. 141-162, Birkhauser, Basel.
  93. A. Abbondandolo, V. Benci, D. F., A. Masiello, On the Morse inequalities for geodesics on Lorentzian manifolds, Mathematical Research Letters 10, (2003) pp. 1-11.
  94. V. Benci, D. F., A strongly degenerate elliptic equation arising from the semilinear Maxwell equations, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 339 (2004), pp.839-842
  95. V. Benci, D. F., Towards a unified field theory for classical electrodynamics, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 173, (2004) pp. 379-414, pdf
  96. V. Benci, D. F., Matter and electromagnetic fields: remarks on the dualistic and Unitarian standpoint, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 58 (2005), pp. 23-40, pdf
  97. V. Benci, D. F., A Unitarian approach to the classical electrodynamics: the semilinear Maxwell equations, Progress in Nonlinear Differential equations and their applications, vol 66 (2006), pp. 33-52
  98. V. Benci, D. F., Existence of 3D-Vortices in Abelian Gauge Theories, Mediterranean Journal Mathematics, 3 (2006), pp. 409-418
  99. A. Azzollini, V. Benci, T. D'Aprile, D. F., Existence of static solutions of the semilinear Maxwell equations, Ricerche di Matematica, 55 (2006), pp. 283-297, pdf
  100. V. Benci, D. F., Solitary waves in the nonlinear wave equation in Gauge theories, Journal of fixed point theory and applications, 1 (2007), pp. 61-86
  101. V. Benci, D. F., Solitary waves in Abelian Gauge Theories, Advanced Nonlinear Studies, 8 (2008), 327-352, pdf
  102. V. Benci, D.F., Three dimensional vortices in Abelian Gauge Theories, Nonlinear Analysis TMA 70 (2009), 4402-4421
  103. D. F., Solitary waves and electromagnetic field, Boll. UMI (9) I (2008), 767-789
  104. V. Benci, D. F., Spinning Q-balls for the Klein-Gordon-Maxwell equations, Commun. Math. Phys., 295 (2010) 639-668, doi: 10.1007/s00220-010-0985-z
  105. V. Benci, D.F., Existence of hylomorphic solitary waves in Klein-Gordon and in Klein-Gordon-Maxwell equations, Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. 20 (2009), 243-279
  106. V. Benci, D.F., Hylomorphic solitons on lattices, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst, 28 (2010), 875-897, doi: 10.3934/dcds.2010.28.875, pdf
  107. V. Benci, D. F., Hamiltonian formulation of the Klein-Gordon-Maxwell equations, Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. 22 (2011), 1-22, doi: 10.4171/RLM/590.
  108. V. Benci, D. F., On the existence of stable charged Q-balls, J. Math. Phys. 52, (2011), doi: 10.1063/1.3629848 .
  109. V. Benci, D. F., Existence of solitons in the nonlinear beam equation, Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 11 (2012)  261-278, doi: 10.1007/s11784-012-0080-
  110. V. Benci, D. F., An Abstract Theorem on the existence of hylomorphic solitons, arXiv:1103.1131v(math.AP)
  111. V. Benci, D. F., A minimization method and applications to the study of solitons, Nonlinear Analysis, 75 (2012), 4398-4421
  112. V. Benci, D. Fortunato (2012). Hylomorphic solitons and charged Q-balls: existence and stability. arXiv:1212.3236v1 (math-ph).  Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,  58 (2014) 1-15
  113. V. Benci, D. Fortunato (2013). Solitons in Schrödinger-Maxwell equations. ArXiv:1303.1415(math. AP)

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