ETC 17 - MEDA 4

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University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy

3-6, September 2024

NEWS: The Proceedings of the conference have been published!


It has been an honour for the Department of Mathematics of the University of Bari to host this event and to witness such rich exchanges of ideas, knowledge, and insights. The diversity of perspectives, the cutting-edge research, and the constructive discussions we’ve shared over these past days have been truly inspiring. This conference has reminded us of the power of collaboration, both among experts and early career researchers.

I special thanks to the 96 researchers from all around the world who participated to the conference!Provenienza.png

Announcements and CfP    



Venue, travel and accommodation    


Early Career Researchers BEST PAPER AWARD!

Registration and fees   





Papers and posters



Abstract, aim and focus of the Conference

Teaching, learning and assessment practices within all phases of mathematics education have dramatically changed due to global pandemics and the increasing dependences on digital technologies across education systems. Meanwhile, the field has witnessed significant changes in research foci regarding the different ways and uses of digital technologies; from supporting active engagement in rich STEM activities to enabling new assessment practices, communication, and collaboration opportunities. More than ever before, it seems that intensive research is now needed on the wide spectrum of roles that technologies play in mathematics education at all phases. Alongside, rapid developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are poised to impact education in, as yet, unseen ways. 

The rationale for the conference is as an interdisciplinary, multifaceted collaboration that will bring together participants who would normally attend a range of TWGs alongside researchers working outside of the ERME community. We will welcome theoretical, methodological, empirical or developmental papers and poster proposals in relation to the following three main conference themes, which will inform both the call for papers and the subsequent organisation of the conference working groups and their intended outputs:

Theme 1: Mathematics educators’ practices, teacher education and professional learning

Theme 2: Design, implementations and evaluations of digital resources and environments

Theme 3: Students’ experience and learning with digital technologies

Whilst we propose these three themes to support more focused work during the conference, we are acutely aware of the overlaps and relationships between all three. Consequently, we will welcome research papers that bridge two or three of the conference themes, and we will support the ‘cross-theme’ work by scheduling sessions during the conference for participants to come together and discuss the relationships between the themes.

MEDA4 is supported by INdAM GNSAGA "Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica - Gruppo Nazionale per le Strutture Algebriche, Geometriche e le loro Applicazioni"



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